The food sample is one of the oldest and most commonly employed tactics of the grocery business. Give shoppers a taste of a new brand of cookie and it’s a safe bet those customers will end up buying at least a box or two before they leave.
It just makes sense: **Let somebody try something tasty, and they’ll come back for more. **
Here’s what my friend Ramit has to say about this:
More people should be doing work for free to open up doors to the big rewards. By removing the money barrier for a set amount of time (”I’ll work for free for 3 months, but after that we need to negotiate a fair rate”), you open yourself up to huge rewards. The $20/hour or $50/hour you could get now is chump change compared to what you could with a great network and a proven track record.
Focus on making yourself valuable first, the money will come.
*What can you do to start adding value today? If you’re unsure, email me – I’d be happy to help brainstorm ideas.